Around Furstenberg’s times p, times q conjecture: times p-invariant measures with some large Fourier coefficients
- Université des Sciences et Technologie de Lille I
- More about Catalin Badea
- Laboratoire Paul Painlevé, Université de Lille
- More about Sophie Grivaux
Editorial introduction
Around Furstenberg’s times p, times q conjecture: times p-invariant measures with some large Fourier coefficients, Discrete Analysis 2024:10, 31 pp.
In the 1960s, Furstenberg proved several results on the following theme. Let p and q be integers that are multiplicatively independent, which means that logp/logq is irrational, or equivalently that no power of p is equal to a power of q. Then if x is an irrational number, we expect its base-p representation and its base-q representation to have no common structure. An example of a rigorous result in this direction is the following landmark theorem of Furstenberg. Let T denote the circle R/Z and let Tm:T→T denote multiplication by m mod 1.
Theorem. If p and q are multiplicatively independent, then the only infinite closed subset of T that is invariant under both Tp and Tq is T.
To see why the hypotheses make sense, note that if X consists of all multiples of 1/m for some m, then it is closed and invariant under Tp and Tq, but finite, and if X consists of all multiples of some irrational number x, then it is infinite and invariant under Tp and Tq but not closed. And finally, if pm=qn and d=gcd(m,n), then pm/d=qn/d, so we may assume that m and n are coprime. But pm/n is an integer, so pm must be a perfect nth power, from which it follows that p is a perfect nth power, and similarly q is a perfect mth power. We thus find r such that p=rn and q=rm. If we then let a1<a2<… be a rapidly increasing sequence of integers and set x=∑∞i=1r−ai, then the closure of {x} under the operations Tp and Tq will be an infinite set with all its elements close to a negative power of r, so its closure will not be the whole of T. Note that such an x has a highly atypical base-p expansion and also a highly atypical base-q expansion, exactly the phenomenon we do not expect to be possible when p and q are multiplicatively independent. And indeed, an immediate consequence of Furstenberg’s theorem is that if x is irrational, then the the numbers of the form pmqnx (reduced mod 1) are dense in T, so at least to that extent our expectation is correct.
Furstenberg went on to make three more precise conjectures. The first was that, under the same assumptions, if X is Tp-invariant, then the images TnqX converge to T in the Hausdorff metric, which means that for every ϵ>0, if n is sufficiently large then every point in T is within ϵ of a point in TnqX. It is easy to see that this implies the theorem above.
The second was a measure-theoretic version of the theorem, which asserts that if μ is a probability measure on T that is invariant under Tp and Tq, then μ is a convex combination of an atomic measure and Lebesgue measure. (As a moderately interesting example of such a measure, let r is a prime and let G be the multiplicative subgroup of F∗r generated by p and q. Then the uniform measure on G is invariant under Tp and Tq, as is any convex combination of that measure with Lebesgue measure.)
The third relates to the second in a similar way to how the first relates to the theorem. It states that if μ is an non-atomic Tp-invariant probability measure on T, then the measures Tnqμ converge to Lebesgue measure in the weak-star topology. This means that for every continuous function f defined on T, the integral of f with respect to Tnqμ converges to the integral of f with respect to Lebesgue measure.
The main aim of this paper is to disprove this last conjecture, thus shedding interesting light on what a proof of the ×p,×q conjecture could be like. In fact, the authors disprove it in a very strong way, by showing not just that there is a counterexample, but by showing that a typical non-atomic Tp-invariant probability measure is a counterexample, in the Baire-category sense. That is, they show that the set of non-atomic Tp-invariant probability measures μ for which Tnqμ converges to Lebesgue measure in the weak-star topology is meagre (meaning that it is contained in a countable union of nowhere dense sets).
The authors prove this by showing that
lim supn→∞|ˆμ(qn)|>0
for all but a meagre set of non-atomic Tp-invariant measures μ. Note that if μ has this property, then ∫exp(2πix/q)dTnqμ does not tend to zero, whereas ∫exp(2πix/q)dλ=0.
A natural class of examples of Tp-invariant measures is given by letting A be a subset of {0,1,…,p−1} and taking the obvious measure on the set of all numbers whose base-p representation have all their digits in A, where the digits are independent and uniformly distributed in A. (More generally one could take any non-uniform distribution on {0,1,…,p−1}.) It is not hard to see that such sets will have large Fourier coefficients at pn. Bearing this kind of example in mind, it might seem rather strange that one can use the Tp-invariance of μ to say something about the Fourier coefficients ˆμ(qn) for some q that is multiplicatively independent of p. The key turns out to be that there is an arithmetic progression of integers N such that the powers of q are eventually periodic mod pN−1. (A clue as to why it is natural to reduce mod pN−1 is that rational numbers with denominator pN−1 are fixed points of TNp.)
In fact, weaker conditions turn out to suffice: the authors identify a condition they call assumption (H), and show that if (cn) is any sequence that satisfies (H), then all but a meagre set of non-atomic Tp-invariant measures satisfy
lim supn→∞|ˆμ(cn)|>0.
It is not clear whether assumption (H) is necessary: the authors ask the very nice question of whether the same conclusion holds for every integer sequence (cn) that tends to infinity.
The paper also contains multidimensional generalizations of the main results, as well as other interesting open problems.